But even so, it's got a certain tension between the main threads of activity:First, there's the 4-H theme: cat shows, animal husbandry, model rocketry, bee-keeping, etc. These are right in line with the the adult-themed activities: arts, textiles, baking, canning, rock-collecting and of course the equestrian events that cross-over generations.

But then there's the motorist events: where else could you find a demolition derby where the competitors are high school students? What better way to blow off steam? This is gender-neutral, last year's winner was female and her younger sister was driving this year (she didn't win, although another girl placed third.) And this is followed the next day by the adult version - the "mud drags" wherein people race their vehicles through pits filled with mud? The unlucky ones get towed out, sometimes with a broken axle... Totally different crowd.
If you're interested in more pictures, the latest set is on my Flickr stream at 2010 Jefferson County Fair and you'll find prior year's sets in my Fairs and Festivals collection.